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A Short Spring

A Short Spring

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Apr 1st 2024

Hello and welcome to April.  The past few days have been awfully warm around here, and I'm seriously hoping we are not going to jump straight into summer.  Some of my eager shrubs with new a … read more
Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Mar 25th 2024

Hello and welcome to March everyone!  It appears the groundhog's prediction was spot on as it's already warm and sunny outside especially considering it's only February.  The plants and tree … read more
Share the Love

Share the Love

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Feb 1st 2024

Hello friends and Happy February!  While I can't quite believe it, January is in the rearview mirror and it's time to celebrate the "love" holiday -- Valentine's Day.  Always a fave around h … read more
Happy New Year 2024!

Happy New Year 2024!

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Jan 1st 2024

Happy New Year friends and welcome to 2024!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are prepared to charge into the new year with enthusiasm and vigor.  I'm excited for 2024 and hope … read more
Do They Know It's Christmastime?

Do They Know It's Christmastime?

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Dec 1st 2023

Hello friends and welcome to the merry month of December!  The year is quickly coming to an end, and I hope it has been a wonderful holiday season for you and your family thus far.  Around h … read more