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Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung!

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Mar 1st 2022

Hello and Happy March everyone!  Here where I live, March is already bursting with Spring.  Everything is in bud & many things have leafed out as if nature itself is tired of the trouble … read more
Happy Valentine's Day 2022!

Happy Valentine's Day 2022!

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Feb 1st 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day 2022!  The month of love is here and Cherry Rose Cottage is sharing the love on February 14 & 15 with a big Valentine’s Day sale.  There will be 20% off all women’ … read more
Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year 2022!

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Jan 1st 2022

Happy New Year & Welcome to 2022!  January 1 is the first anniversary of the Cherry Rose Cottage website. The past year has flown by and I have learned so much since last year at this tim … read more
Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Dec 1st 2021

I can hardly believe it is December and Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye. I think the old saying “as slow as Christmas” no longer applies as it seems to arrive more and more quickly ea … read more
Introducing Wild Cherry Crystal Shoppe

Introducing Wild Cherry Crystal Shoppe

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Nov 1st 2021

Hello and Happy November.  Thanksgiving is on the way and will be here before you know it.  Fall is winding down and winter chill is already in the air here.  It leaves me with a feel … read more