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Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on May 1st 2021

Hello and Happy May! Since April showers bring May flowers, we should have a veritable jungle going on this month considering all the April showering we have had here in the South.  I know for … read more
Whatever Happened to Customer Service?

Whatever Happened to Customer Service?

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Apr 1st 2021

Hello Everyone and Happy April!  Easter will arrive this month with cute bunnies, colored eggs, baby chicks and, of course, those awesome chocolate bunnies which soon will be missing an ear or a … read more
Talk to Me about Shipping (Said No One Ever)

Talk to Me about Shipping (Said No One Ever)

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Mar 1st 2021

Happy March Everyone!  Spring is just weeks away and I can hardly wait.  The end of winter has been rainy, snowy and, combined with the pandemic, I'm ready for some spring sunshine and f … read more
What is Gently Loved?

What is Gently Loved?

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Feb 1st 2021

Hello and Happy February! February is the month of all things love so I want to express my appreciation for my fabulous customers and say thank you for being here. Cherry Rose Cottage customers a … read more
Welcome to Cherry Rose Cottage

Welcome to Cherry Rose Cottage

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Jan 1st 2021

Hello and welcome to Cherry Rose Cottage.  Thank you so much for visiting.  Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to the new web store and talk a little bit about what makes Cherry Rose … read more