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Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Dec 1st 2021

I can hardly believe it is December and Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye. I think the old saying “as slow as Christmas” no longer applies as it seems to arrive more and more quickly each year. As I was scrolling through IG today I noticed many sellers with Shiny Brite ornaments for sale. This brought back a flood of memories and a few smiles for me. I remember having these ornaments as a child and how carefully I would unpack them and place them on the tree. I’m not sure of the proper name, but the ornaments with the “indented” designs were always my favorites. As I got older and the ornaments became worn and less shiny, I remember telling Mama that we needed new ornaments because the ones we had were worn out. Oh how it makes me smile with a feeling of wistfulness to look at the old ornaments for sale today and treasure the fact that they are worn and old looking.

It’s been really busy here lately at Cherry Rose Cottage. Unfortunately, I’m sorry to say that USPS delays have become worse pretty much as expected. Although I can’t guarantee delivery by Christmas as I have zero control over the antics of the postal service, the last date to order from Cherry Rose Cottage that I feel will be a fairly safe bet for delivery by Christmas is December 10. As discussed in a previous blog, I am looking into adding Fed Ex as a new shipping option after the first of the year. I’m also thinking of changing all shipping options that are shipped by USPS to priority shipping. However, I’m going to wait until after all the Christmas shipping is over because 1st class is the most economical method to ship small orders. I want to wait to see if the delivery time for 1st class packages gets better after Christmas is over before I make a final decision.

Thank you all for your patronage during the past year. I am so grateful for each of you. To you and your families, I wish the happiest and merriest Christmas with a side dish of joy and prosperity for the coming 2022. I’m feeling very blessed today and I wish the same for each of you. Happy Holidays filled with love, joy and peace for all.