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Fall Fun Time

Fall Fun Time

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Sep 1st 2023

Hello friends and a joyous welcome to September.  I am beyond excited to return to the blog and ecstatic that Fall is finally here.  Yes, I capitalized the word "Fall" because it's as important to me as any holiday.  It's the time my spirit is joyful and my soul shifts to a more relaxed and happy state of being.  And yes, I know Fall officially doesn't begin until a few weeks from now, but to me the beginning of September is the day Fall begins.

Today was a perfect day.  The pumpkin farm opened and I made the trek for the first visit of the year.  It's still hot but the weather cooperated today and gave the perfect semblance of a fall day (at least while I was out ogling pumpkins).  I walked through the farm for a while and then sat on a bench in the shade so that I could drink it all in.

The warty pumpkins with the very appropriate name "Goosebumps" are always my favorites.  They remind me of crotchety little trolls with all their fantastic warts and defiant attitude.  They sit in the bright sunshine in all their glory as if to say, "Yes, I'm warty, but I'm beautiful anyway."  Closely following the warty guys as a fave are the Cinderella pumpkins with their striations of pastel pink, blue and green on a sea of gorgeous orange.  The swirl of colors they exhibit is amazing and in sharp contrast to the warty guys.  You can see them below between the blue guys and large white pumpkins at the top, but you have to see them up close to appreciate their swirly color goodness and I neglected to get a close up pic.

As I meandered among the pumpkins, the smell of pumpkin spice wafted through the air promising pumpkin pies, cream cheese pumpkin rolls, pumpkin cakes and other fall delicacies sure to delight.  With the sun shining on my face and shoulders and that delightful smell in the air, walking among the sea of colored pumpkins and brightly colored corn was like a little taste of heaven.

Adding to the excitement were the displays of fall decorations including Halloween ghosties, Thanksgiving turkeys and fall gnomes and pumpkins.  I came home with a festive turkey and a Halloween kitty and they are already gracing my yard.  Perhaps a little early for the turkey, but time passes so quickly I just want to have the time to enjoy them.

I hope you enjoyed visiting the pumpkin farm with me as it's one of the joys in my life.  I'm back in the store now and working daily to add new products as quickly as possible.  Due to personal challenges over the summer, I was only able to fulfill orders and keep up with general maintenance, but now I'm ramping back up to add more product goodness for your shopping pleasure.  I encourage you to check out your favorite categories to see if you find a treasure you can't live without.  As previously promised, I've also added multiple categories so that you are able to shop however you like including by color, by style, by season, and others.

I am very delighted to welcome all the new visitors to the store.  If you would like to receive special offers, don't forget to sign up the for newsletter which I plan to send out about once a month.  I know I have been lax about the newsletter in the past due to time limitations, but hope to do much better going forward.  Thank you so much to everyone who has already signed up.  Look for the newsletter to appear in your inbox sometime in October.

Lastly, a sincere thank you to my returning customers. You are the best!  As always, thank you for sharing your time with me, and thank you for shopping at Cherry Rose Cottage.  Happy Fall!