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Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year 2022!

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Jan 1st 2022

Happy New Year & Welcome to 2022!  January 1 is the first anniversary of the Cherry Rose Cottage website. The past year has flown by and I have learned so much since last year at this time.  Every day around here is a learning experience and it’s something I truly enjoy.

Did you make any resolutions this year?  I try not to call my plans and goals “resolutions” because the word seems so restrictive to me.  Plans and goals develop and grow over the year as you endeavor to adapt to the changing world landscape.  For some reason “resolution” makes me think of something set in stone and unchanging, and that’s just not the way things work in real life.  Accepting and adapting to change is not something I particularly excel at, but I think I’ve learned to do a little better as I’ve gotten older.

I’ve been intensively reviewing the website and product offerings the past couple of weeks, made a few changes and am excited to move forward with new ideas for 2022.  I realized a huge percentage of my site is devoted to clothing and, while I’m proud of my selections, I want to expand product offerings extensively this year.  I love collectibles and fully intended to have a robust selection in the store by now.  The reason I do not, dare I say it, is because I have dragged my feet due to how much more complicated it is to ship items of various sizes and weights than it is to ship clothing.  Kudos to those small businesses who are out there getting it done!  Total respect from this corner.  In any event, I’ve started the learning process to begin offering more collectible type items very soon.  Keep an eye out for new offerings in the near future.

Near the end of the year, I began offering a small selection of crystal items in the Wild Cherry Crystal Shoppe portion of the website.  I am very excited to move forward with the crystal shoppe and plan to really boost the selection this year by offering more types of crystal as well as larger items.  Visit often to stay updated and for the best selection.  The crystal shoppe is located on the website main page under the “Wild Cherry” tab.  You can shop by crystal type or by shape.

Finally, this year I hope to get back to making jewelry and upcycled fashions.  I have some great ideas in mind that have been on the back burner in my mind for a while now.  It’s been a challenge to find the time for these endeavors, but I’m hoping to learn to allocate my time in a more organized fashion this year so I can get back to making things again.

The new year always instills in me a sense of excitement and hope.  It’s a clean slate just waiting to be filled with wonderful things.  I’m a firm believer in the power of positive thinking and, in the event of challenging situations, I try to focus on the “what can I learn from this” aspect of whatever has happened.  I’m going to close out this month by sharing a cartoon I recently saw on IG.  I posted this as my New Years post there.  The cartoon depicted a lady and her cat in an apparently pensive mood staring into the distance.  The lady asked the cat, “What will the new year bring us?”  The cat replied, “365 opportunities.”  Indeed.  May we all be blessed with 365 opportunities for joy, love and peace.

Happy New Year from Cherry Rose Cottage, dear friends.  Thank you for being here.