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Hello Summer

Hello Summer

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Jun 1st 2021

June has arrived and with it all the heat of summertime. Here in the South you know it's summer when you go outside wearing a minimal amount of clothing and still feel like you're wrapped in a warm wool blanket. I'm sure you've heard people talk about the humidity in the South but unless you've experienced it, it's kind of hard to imagine. Even though I love beautiful images like the one above and I love tomatoes and watermelon and all the "things" of summer, it's my least favorite season because of the heat.  I guess I must be like the proverbial fainting flower because I definitely wilt in the summer heat.

Here at Cherry Rose Cottage there is a whole bunch of renewal and revamping going on.  With all the excitement of introducing the new website to the world, some of my social media profiles could do with a good bit of tidying up and refreshing.  I've been busy working on Pinterest making sure my product links are updated so they will take you to the appropriate location to shop.  Some product links will take you to the Cherry Rose Cottage ebay store and some will lead you here depending on where the item is listed for sale.  Please pardon the construction over there as everything may not be up to date just yet.

Cherry Rose Cottage on Instagram is also in the process of getting a major overhaul.  If you follow over there and things look weird right now, that's the reason why.  If you haven't followed yet, please give a follow to see all the new and exciting changes.

Another happening around here I'm pretty excited about is I'm in the process of considering some new product offerings for the store.  I'm hoping to be able to share more information in the blog next month regarding these beautiful treasures I hope to bring to you.

Well, that's about it for now.  Please be sure to give Cherry Rose Cottage a follow on Pinterest and Instagram.  Not only are new products highlighted there, but I also announce sales and promotions so you don't miss out on great deals on the products you love.

As always, thank you so much for sharing your time with me.  Happy Summer and Happy Shopping!