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Introducing Wild Cherry Crystal Shoppe

Introducing Wild Cherry Crystal Shoppe

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Nov 1st 2021

Hello and Happy November.  Thanksgiving is on the way and will be here before you know it.  Fall is winding down and winter chill is already in the air here.  It leaves me with a feeling of longing and sadness, but instead of focusing on those feelings, this is the time of year I focus on reflection, gratitude and thinking about how I'm going to approach the coming year.  It helps that Christmas merchandise is already appearing in the stores and the holidays bring a feeling of excitement and nostalgia with all the pretty lights and decorations.

Speaking of excitement, I am thrilled to announce a new line of merchandise at Cherry Rose Cottage. I am adding a variety of crystal offerings and related items to the Wild Cherry line of products. The new crystal shop will offer spheres, towers, carvings, stands and other unique merchandise.  I don't order these products in bulk so at any given time the number of items may be limited.  As always, I'm interested in quality and uniqueness over quantity.  I spend many hours viewing hundreds of items and may only select a few  items to offer my customers.  I cordially invite you to visit the new crystal shoppe to find the crystal that is waiting for you to take it home.

Have you ever shopped in a crystal store online and experienced the frustration of not being able to pick what you want because the items are "intuitively selected"? Have you ever participated in a live crystal event and waited for hours only to lose the item you wanted because your internet connection was not at its best that day? If so, I invite you to stay tuned and check out the new Wild Cherry crystal offerings. Each item will be listed individually online for you to view and shop at your convenience. Measurements will be provided and photos of the item will be included with a size reference item (such as a quarter for small carvings) so that you will know exactly what you are getting.  Items are slowly  making their way into the shoppe so check back often.

I don't know about you but I take my crystals seriously. I believe each crystal knows where it belongs and will find its perfect home. I want my customers to have the experience of being able to purchase what they connect with and feel drawn toward.  Additionally, I like the idea of my customers being able to shop in a leisurely manner without anxiety that they may not get the crystal they love.  Of course, if you see something you connect with, it's best not to wait to purchase as others will be shopping as well.  Hopefully, however, the experience will be more calm and relaxing and not dependent on how fast your internet connection is that day.

To find the crystal shoppe, go to the home page and select "Wild Cherry" on the top menu.  From there you will find the crystal shoppe and are able to choose how you would like to shop.  You can choose to shop by crystal name or by crystal shape.  I've tried to give you what I thought were the most popular options to either allow you to browse everything at random or quickly narrow down your selection to exactly what you want.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to offer my true and sincere gratitude to all my returning customers.  Thank you so much for all your support, trust and for purchasing from my store.  To all my new customers, welcome.  I hope you will soon be one of my returning customers.  To each and every one of you, thank you for supporting a small business and thank you for sharing your time with me.  Don't forget to check out the new offerings and give a follow on Instagram and/or Pinterest.  Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and happy shopping!