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It's Amost That Time

It's Amost That Time

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Aug 1st 2023

Happy August friends. I hope you are all keeping cool while you enjoy your summertime fun, although I know for some school is back in session today.  This summer has certainly been a hot one with all the record breaking temps across the country.

The full blog posts will return in September as well as the weekly sales events. I've already been working daily in the store sprucing up photos and adding new merchandise.  I'm looking forward to fall (as always) so that I can do my yearly gushing about fall leaves and pumpkins and hayrides and such.  LOL.

The photo for the blog this month was inspired by the flowers blooming in my garden.  While this is not my photo, my flowers look exactly like this.  I am somewhat of a pitiful gardener in that I have never until now had much success with starting plants from seed.  However, I did start some echinacea plants from seed and they are magnificent.  I'm not sure if they are magnificent because I actually succeeded in starting something from seed or if it's because they are pink, but they are certainly beautiful.

I want to welcome all the new customers this month and say thank you for shopping at Cherry Rose Cottage.  Your business is always sincerely appreciated here.  And, as always, thank you so much to my returning customers.  Your trust and continued patronage mean the world to me.

See you all next month!