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May Flowers

May Flowers

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on May 1st 2023

Hello dear friends and welcome to the cheerful month of May!  We've had plenty of showers the last weeks so I'm certainly looking forward to the May flowers that hopefully will bring.  Looking out over the mountains last week, I was in awe of all of the glorious shades of green as far as the eye could see.  Nature is so beautiful, and even for a fall fanatic like me, springtime has its charms.

May is the month for Mother's Day and some of you may remember my Mother's Day story I shared a while ago regarding my pink rosebush.  I always choose pink roses for the blog cover in May because of their connection to my Mother.  I am saddened to say that I had to cut back the rose bush that was the subject of my story.  I'm not sure if it ever will recover as I had no flowers last year and this year is not looking much better. In addition to the winter freeze we had that killed a number of older plants in my yard, I will be heartbroken if the rose bush does not make a recovery.  It is still alive and does have a few blooms this year so hopefully it will recover and be able to shine again as before.

Due to some unexpected life happenings back in April which continue to occupy a huge chunk of my time, the store renovation has slowed down considerably.  I'm not certain when it will be complete but I am still working daily to add new items and rejuvenate the look of the website.  Maneuvering the challenges of life can sometimes be a challenge, and the only thing to do is just keep right on moving forward and steering the best you can.  I thank you for your patience during this challenging time.

The good news is that the weekly sales events continue and the website is looking spiffier than ever with all the cleanup and changes.  I hope you will spend some time checking it out and maybe do a little shopping.  There has never been a better time to support small businesses than now.

I hope you have the opportunity to spend some time outside in the beautiful spring weather before the heat of summer comes rolling in.  The gorgeous weather is like a balm to the spirit and can make even the dreariest mood brighten considerably.

Until next month, I thank you for sharing your time with me.  Wishing you lots and lots of May flowers.

Have a fabulous month of May!