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Mother's Day Memories

Mother's Day Memories

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on May 1st 2022

Hello and welcome to May!  Mother's Day is on the way and inspiration for this month's blog post was right outside my window where the roses are just beginning to bloom.  I noticed today I had a single perfect pink bloom that was fully open and sharing its beauty already.

When I first began writing this blog, I wasn't exactly sure whether I wanted to keep it totally "business" or add in some personal thoughts as well.  Over time the blog has evolved to be a little bit of both, and this month I thought I would share my own personal Mother's Day story with you.  Those of you who follow on Instagram have probably already heard this story, but I wanted to share it again here for those who aren't on IG.

For as long as I can remember, there was a pink rosebush in my Grandmother's front yard. When she passed away, that beautiful rosebush became my Mother's. To say my Mother had a green thumb would be an understatement. She loved that rosebush, tended it faithfully, and it rewarded her with a gorgeous multitude of flowers every single year. When you walked outside, the perfume of those roses filled the air. And what a sweet scent it was.

When I moved into my home I asked my Mother for a cutting of the rose and she transported it 300 miles to me. Let me just say I did not inherit her green thumb. I planted the rosebush in the clay of my new abode and never really expected much. As the years went by, with literally no care at all, the rosebush took off. Even being choked by grape vines and invaded by honeysuckle, still it is magnificent. It reliably begins to bloom the week before Mother's Day and is in full bloom with hundreds of pink roses by the time Mother's Day arrives.

Once many years ago when Mama came to visit me, I told her the rosebush and its sweet scented flowers would forever remind me of her. She replied that that was a sweet thing to say. As Mama was not a demonstrative person in the least, for her to acknowledge the love I was sharing with her about the rosebush meant the world to me as it was such a rare occurrence.

Mom passed away a few years ago and as I walk outside and smell those roses, yes, the tears do fall freely but oh, what a sweet reminder of my dear Mama and my love for her. Happy Mother's Day, Mama. I love you and miss you so much.

I hope you tell your Mothers often how much you love them, not just this weekend but every chance you get, and never take for granted the precious time you have with them.

Happy Mother's Day everyone!