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October -- My Happy Place

October -- My Happy Place

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Oct 1st 2022

Ahhhh, October.  It's no secret this time of year is my happy place. The air is crisp on these chilly mornings and autumn sunshine makes bright beautiful afternoons full of a magickal multicolor shower of falling leaves.  Pumpkin farms are open with a literal sea of hundreds and hundreds of pumpkins in every shade you can imagine.  Everywhere you look there are bales of hay, barrels of apples, and Halloween decorations.  Signs promising hayrides (and here in the South sometimes even pig races!), fall festivals, arts and crafts, and all sorts of fall fun beckon from every corner.  I often wonder during this time of year what it would be like if it were fall all the time.  I am such a fall-o-holic I can never get enough it seems.

Fall at Cherry Rose Cottage is a magickal time.  Surrounded by a sea of leaves changing color, it's like a fairyland lost in time.  Perhaps that's why my soul breathes a sigh of relief and is more inspired at this time of year than any other.  Fall is also the gateway to the cheer and festivities of the holidays as the promise of Thanksgiving and Christmas also hangs in the air.  From now until the end of the year, fun and merriment abound around here.

As I promised last month, I've been adding new items to the store as fast as possible, including some pretty fashions in a rainbow of fall colors including women's tops and some lovely fall denim jackets.  As well, I have added some holiday wear items including pretty (and sparkly) shoes perfect for those soon-to-be-announced holiday parties.  I still have a good bit to add so keep an eye out for more new stuff on the way.

As you begin your holiday shopping, I hope you will come in and take a look around Cherry Rose Cottage.  If you are on Pinterest, please also give a follow as I add items over there every day.  As a small business owner, I believe you have to have a lot of love for what you do because owning a small business is part of your lifestyle.  It's not something you can put down and then pick back up when you feel like it.  You have to be there every day if you want to have happy customers.  Orders have to be shipped, questions have to be answered, inventory must be processed, and the list goes on.  The saying about a small business owner doing a happy dance every time they make a sale is true because that small business owner's heart goes into the process every single day.

So come on in and hang out a while.  Welcome to my new customers and a big THANK YOU to my returning customers.  I'm always thinking of you when I'm searching for things to make your shopping delightful.  November will be here before you know it and Christmas right behind.  I hope you will start your Christmas shopping early and send a little love to Cherry Rose Cottage.  Enjoy and Happy Shopping!