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September is Finally Here

September is Finally Here

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Sep 1st 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to September.  It's been a whirlwind of a summer and I've missed my monthly chats here with you.

It seems we are having an early fall and I am beyond happy about it.  The mornings here are already beginning to get chilly and there's that feeling in the air that is an unmistakable indication of cooler days ahead.  In short, it's pumpkin time!

I want to apologize to everyone for my slower-than-usual progress on new additions to the store.  Have you ever had those situations where things start to happen and instead of slowing down, they accelerate faster and faster?  You have to keep on keeping on just to try to keep up.  Well, that's kind of been my summer.  Life sometimes happens at a crazy pace.  It reminds me of an old saying about watching a duck floating on the water.  The duck appears serene and peaceful floating happily along, but beneath the surface he is paddling like crazy.  That's kind of what my summer has been like and hopefully things are getting back closer to normal.

In any event, I'm once again evaluating offerings, searching for new products for your shopping pleasure, and getting geared up to begin adding some hopefully delightful additions to the store.  As always, it seems like the cooler weather inspires me.  I've got new ideas and a new enthusiasm to begin implementing them.  I hope to begin moving forward full force starting in October so keep an eye out for new treasures in the store.

Here in the South the pumpkin farms begin to open around September 1st.  If the same is true where you are, why not go out and enjoy some early fall sunshine and maybe bring home that first pumpkin of the season.  Then come on in and visit Cherry Rose Cottage for some shopping fun and find a great deal for yourself or start your holiday shopping early.

Thank you all so much for being here.  I appreciate your business and your support.

Oh, and I have to say it because I can't help myself, Happy Fall Y'all!