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Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Mar 1st 2023

Welcome to March dear friends.  The little bird that I have chosen for this month's blog cover photo is a pretty good representation of how I feel about the month of March.  March makes me happy that spring is almost here and it makes me grumpy at the same time.  For one thing, it has been unseasonably warm here and everything is budding out and blooming.  It's all very pretty and cheerful and I love it very much; however, I have no doubt that in the coming weeks Mother Nature will slam everything to the ground with a huge freeze.  It happens every year but I never like it any better no matter how many times it happens.

Another reason I feel fairly grumpy during March is that the time will change next week.  My absolute most "unfavorite" thing about this month besides the fact that it is also time to prepare taxes, a task I abhor and something I procrastinate with horribly.  So I guess you could say I'm just a big ol' chunk of sunshine during this month until spring has sprung and I can get out in the garden again without worry of the cold and with taxes in the rear view mirror for another year.

On the other hand, I do look forward to spring in the coming weeks and St. Patrick's Day is also sprinkled in there in a couple of weeks.  So there are some things to be cheery about.  I always try to have a positive attitude but this time of year I find it a little harder than others.  LOL.

At Cherry Rose Cottage the rejuvenation of the website continues, albeit slowly, but I am making progress. I am adding about 10-15 new items to the website each week, as well as adding new categories to allow you to shop the website in whatever manner makes you most comfortable.  I fully expect it to take at least another two months to complete as I'm also revamping my inventory as I go along and reorganizing my studio at the same time.  I love to be organized with everything in its place so it's not really a chore for me as it's something I've always enjoyed.  When everything has its place and I can put my hand on it without effort, that is when I am happiest.  And it makes my job much easier as well.

The weekly sales events continue with even better discounts than last year.  The sales category varies from week to week with savings of 20-35% on the already great prices on your favorite styles.  I hope you will visit often and take a look around and do some shopping.

Well, that's about all the news I have for this month.  As always, I thank you for visiting and sharing your precious time with me.  I hope that the month of March treats you well and you partake of whatever green delights you favor on St. Patrick's Day.  I promise to have a readjusted cheerful attitude for the April blog.

In the meantime, happy shopping dear friends.