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Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung!

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Mar 1st 2022

Hello and Happy March everyone!  Here where I live, March is already bursting with Spring.  Everything is in bud & many things have leafed out as if nature itself is tired of the troubles of the world and wants to spring forth in beauty to provide some much needed cheer.  While fall is definitely my favorite time of year, spring certainly has its perks with all of the beautiful new greenery and flowers and the anticipation of starting a new garden adventure.  Unfortunately, realistically it is way too early for everything to be greened up the way it is and I fully expect in a few weeks a winter storm to roll through and kill everything.  Such is the way of Mother Nature sometimes.

There is something so special about the beautiful blue sky in the spring.  When I’m staring at a sky that is brilliant blue with hardly a cloud to be seen anywhere, it lifts my spirit and truly makes me feel like anything is possible.  I’ve already been outside cleaning up winter debris and enjoying the beautiful spring weather under said blue sky while it’s available.  I’ve made a trip to the plant nursery, bought some trees and look forward (well sort of) to planting them pretty shortly.  I say “sort of” because planting a tree in Georgia clay is an endeavor not for the weak of heart.  Where I live it's nothing but clay and rocks and digging a hole is quite a workout.  I often think a stick or two of dynamite might help speed along the progress of digging a big enough hole.  LOL.  There is nothing like watching something you planted with your own two hands and hard work take off and begin to grow into something beautiful.

Here in the store I’ve added a few new things the past couple of weeks including some fun coffee mugs.  Swimwear and men’s clothing are coming in a couple of weeks, as well as a pretty fabulous selection of new crystals to be added to the Wild Cherry Crystal Shoppe.  In addition, St. Patrick’s Day is this month and there are a couple of cute tees that would be perfect for your spot o’ green.  It’s always a challenge in spring to get everything completed on time because there are so many extra jobs clamoring to be completed, including preparing taxes.  I hope other small business owners are more organized than me, because I’m always rushing around at the last minute trying to get everything completed.

Well, that’s about it for this month.  I have orders to pack, packages to ship and, of course, trees to plant.  Thank you so much for sharing your time with me.  I hope you all are having beautiful weather where you are located and will take some time to go out and enjoy the sunshine.  Until next month, take care and don’t forget when you come in from the sunshine to come for a visit and find your treasure.  Happy Spring and Happy Shopping!