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The Month of Love

The Month of Love

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Feb 1st 2023

Hello friends and welcome to the month of love!  February is a favorite month around here of course because the colors of Valentine's Day are the colors of Cherry Rose Cottage.  I just love seeing pink and red everywhere!

Following up on my post from last month, the reorganization of the store continues.  I've added yet more categories to the store and am still in the process of revising many, many photos.  Things are looking better and brighter and I've received some feedback on the website that has all been positive so far.  I have a good amount of work to go before it will be finished but, hey, good news is good news!

If you follow on IG, you know that I have been posting everything pink and red for the last couple of weeks.  It's time to get that Valentine's Day shopping done because it will be here before you can blink.  There are some really cute pink and red fashion items in the store ready to make your Valentine's Day outfit pop with color.  I hope you will take some time and check them out.

As I also discussed last month, I have begun adding some new crystal products to the store and I am literally sitting on the starting line to begin creating my new tee shirt line.  With the website reorganization and tax time coming up, it may be a little while before they are done but keep watching for those to appear in the near future.

On a more personal note, I'm fully expecting the groundhogs to predict six more weeks of winter tomorrow as we have had very little winter here so far with the exception of one night where the wind chill temps were 20 below zero.  I can't remember it ever being that cold here before, and I finally understand how easy it is to get frostbite in those frigid temps.  After that night many of the shrubs that have been in my yard for at least 20 years are dead.  Some of them were not my faves but one of them was a beautiful red camellia that has faithfully bloomed every year ever since I've been here.  It looks to be completely dead and I don't think it's going to come back.  It makes me sad but I will have to cut it down.

On the bright side, the things that are gone will make room for new plants to be planted. February is my favorite month to daydream by the fire with a multitude of seed catalogs.  Even though most seed stores are online now, some companies still send out those beloved catalogs in the mail.  I love planning for the new gardening season even though I don't have what you would call a green thumb.  Still, even if things don't turn out the way I plan, I love to try new plants every year.  There is something so exciting about those first little green sprouts poking their heads through the dirt.  I am always outside every year looking for daffodil sprouts long before it's time for them to bloom.  It's always an amazing feeling.

As I've now gone completely off topic (again), I will close by saying I hope you make special plans with your sweetie or whoever you love this Valentine's Day.  Spending time with the ones you love is the most special time of all, and we should all make more time to do so.  I hope February turns out to be a fabulous month for everyone no matter what the groundhogs say.

Happy Valentine's Day!