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The Saga of the Lonely Santa

The Saga of the Lonely Santa

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Dec 1st 2022

Hello and welcome to December everyone.  I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely and you are now looking forward to Christmas and the New Year with anticipation.  This month I'm going to share a story about the beautiful Santa I found last year around Thanksgiving.  He is already brightening up my Christmas decorations and brings me much joy this time of year.  Santa is pictured above in the thumbnail photo.  I hope you enjoy his story.

Once upon a time but not so long ago, there was a shiny, happy Santa. He had a place of honor beside the Christmas tree where his jolly smile presided over all the Christmas fun. The children could barely contain their excitement waiting for Santa to arrive each year. Year after year, Mom & Dad carefully unpacked him & the children joyfully placed him beside the Christmas tree. As time passed and the children grew older, Santa began to make fewer & fewer appearances beside the tree. Eventually the children grew up, moved away & Santa never left his lonely box in the attic. As Mom & Dad grew older, they no longer decorated much for Christmas anymore. When Mom & Dad eventually passed away, none of the children wanted to give Santa a home so he ended up in a donation box. Poor Santa then passed from hand to hand, store to store and shelf to shelf, all the while taking on a ding here & a scrape there. Eventually after many years of sitting on store shelves, Santa, unloved & unwanted, made his way to a flea market shelf.  There he sat waiting hopefully for a new loving home where he could once again share his joy of Christmas.

Last year around this time I stopped by the flea market I frequent once or twice a year & there, in a dark corner, covered with years of dirt & grime sat Santa. I was drawn to him right away as his cheery smile & jolly demeanor were shining through even under all that filth. I brought Santa home that day & many hours later, he was finally fairly clean. Different color scrapes of paint here & there as well as more than a few dings tell the story of many adventures & mishaps in poor Santa’s life. But I’m happy to say, still smiling through it all, Santa has finally found another loving home. Every ding & every scrape only make him dearer to my heart. If he were able to talk, what stories would he be able to tell of his past 50ish years of existence on this planet. (1970s Atlantic Mold Santa.)  Once again he has a place of honor to preside over Christmas & I will treasure him as long as I am able.

I wish you all the happiest of Christmases filled with people & things you treasure.  Merry Christmas, dear friends, from Cherry Rose Cottage.