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Welcome to Cherry Rose Cottage

Welcome to Cherry Rose Cottage

Posted by Cherry Rose Cottage on Jan 1st 2021

Hello and welcome to Cherry Rose Cottage.  Thank you so much for visiting.  Today it is my pleasure to introduce you to the new web store and talk a little bit about what makes Cherry Rose Cottage special.

Cherry Rose Cottage offers gently loved clothing, shoes, home decor and gifts, as well as the Wild Cherry line of vintage and handmade items for your shopping pleasure.  You can follow Cherry Rose Cottage on Instagram for shop updates, sales information and promotions.  If you prefer your updates via Pinterest, new products are posted to the boards there as they are added to the store.  Generally there is only a single item of inventory for each product listed.  Following on your favorite platform allows you to see new products as soon as they become available so you don't miss out on that perfect item.

So what makes Cherry Rose Cottage special?  My response to this question is a single word:  Heart.  I pour my heart and soul into the store every day.  If I'm not working on the store, I'm thinking about it and how I can make it better for my customers.  From sourcing products to photographing items carefully, to listing items for sale, to packaging items for delivery to their new home, every step is carried out with respect and caring for my customers.  When I'm sourcing products and find a special item I know someone will love, it makes me happy.  When I'm packaging products to await that special customer, it makes me smile knowing someone is going to be delighted when they open their package.

In addition to heart, I have a strong commitment to honesty and integrity.  As a seller of pre-loved items, I do my very best to describe and photograph every important detail about each item.  I want my customers to know with certainty what to expect when they receive their purchase.  I never try to conceal flaws, nor do I minimize what they are.  In addition, I provide as many measurements as I can, both in writing and with photographs, to help you determine whether an item will fit or, in the case of non-clothing items, whether it will suit your needs.  I don’t know about you, but it really annoys me when I'm shopping and there are no measurements, a three-word description and photos that have no reference point to allow you to determine the size of an item.  I provide everything you need up front for your purchasing decision.  It does takes more time to provide all this information, but my focus is always on making sure my customers are happy.  I believe that providing as much information as possible goes a long way towards making that happen.  If you should have a question, just use the contact form and I will be happy to assist you.

Having a commitment to heart, honesty and integrity translates into a passion for serving my customers.  These are not just the words that get thrown around so often today.  They have a deep and real meaning to me.  Each customer is the most important one.  I work very hard to live this motto with every transaction.  In addition, I endeavor to serve my customers with kindness and understanding.  Having spent many years in a corporate environment, I know how important it is to make people feel heard and understood.

Another driving passion behind Cherry Rose Cottage is my neverending love for vintage items.  I'm always on the lookout for treasures to rescue so they can find a new loving home instead of going to the landfill.  Sweet, old things that were once loved and treasured by someone have a special place in my heart, and I so want them to be loved and treasured again.  I enjoy thinking about what marvelous stories the items could tell if they were able to speak, and it breaks my heart to think of them being thrown away as trash.  In addition to rescuing vintage treasures and gently used clothing, I also recycle fabrics and other items to craft new products.  In this way I am able to use damaged items that are below the quality level suitable for sale and make something completely new and hopefully delightful.  Environmental sustainability is near and dear to my heart and I feel very strongly that every contribution to minimizing waste is important.

If you like what you've heard so far, come on in and look around for a while.  I know you have many choices for your shopping dollars and each time you make a purchase from my store, I am honored.  My mission is to provide you with a delightful shopping experience that will bring you back to visit again and again.  I hope you will come to think of Cherry Rose Cottage as a reliable friend you visit regularly when you have a shopping list, when you need some retail therapy or just for some fun window shopping.  I look forward to gaining your trust and serving you.

Once again I thank you so much for visiting Cherry Rose Cottage and supporting a small business.  Don't forget to follow on Pinterest and Instagram for news and updates.  You can also visit and follow on ebay for your Cherry Rose Cottage fix.

Happy Shopping!